Yesterday we all got rid of our junk food temptations…
….and let me tell you that Nicole and I probably have the worst sweet tooth out of anyone. Honestly, We cant walk by a cupcake shop without stopping in so NO your not alone on that.
Now today we want you to brainstorm ideas to get yourself or keep yourself active. Its very important that you challenge your heart, lungs and muscles for 20-30 minutes 4 to 6 times a week.
Does Holiday shopping count!!!???? Well if your power walking through the Mall maybe
Actually that’s one of our daily starts to our day, power walking. It wakes us up, gets our bodies going and kick starts our day healthy. We mentally and physically feel so great after. To add more to our week Brianna loves to attend yoga and pilates classes, where Nicole wants more weight training and adds in a personal trainer mixed with her hot yoga. We both plan our classes at the beginning of the week so we have a schedule. Remember that work out buddies are the best because you can never give up.
There are so many activities out there to get you in shape. Basketball, jogging, yoga, walking, hiking, biking, aerobics… the list can keep going…..
In this 20 day challenge create a habit to exercise. We’re not competing for the Olympics, just getting Healthy!!
I know it’s the Holiday season and its hard to stay on track. Trust us we are huge Holiday nerds! We love to do every Holiday activity, but the best feeling is to enjoy this season Looking & Feeling Amazing!!
Rockin’ the World Bella Style,
Nicole and Brianna